Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Three Things

Hey Grannies!

Thing No. 1
FINALLY saw recognizable faces at my West Hollywood Gelson's...Macauley Culkin and Mila Kunis!

Thing No. 2
What three proteins make up a Three Protein Granny?

Thing No. 3
Here's my dilemma Gentlemen, please help me with this. At the supermarket I know it's more 'green' to get paper rather than plastic. BUT, I use the small plastic bags as garbage bags because I generally take my garbage out every day. I do use the bigger bags that one buys for that purpose, but they are too big for the days when I take my trash out daily. As I continue to get plastic bags, I feel like I'm being judged and that I'm doing the wrong thing even though I'm using the bags for a practical purpose. Thoughts?


Christopher said...

2. Steak, chicken and fish, right?
3. I understand the dilemma. I use the shopping bags to pick up dog waste on our daily walks. But, I have converted to Chico Bags (http://www.chicobag.com/) for shopping, and rely on my work colleagues to give me their plastic shopping bags. Not ideal, but a step in the right direction.

Gary said...

1) What is Gelson's?
2) I was never sure since I missed her in the first place
3) Do you need to take the garbage out everyday? If you buy some larger garbage bags (there are even environmentally friendlier garbage bags such as "Envirobag"), you will be throwing away less plastic in the long run. We use reusable grocery bags as often as we can (we have the Whole Foods version) and use the plastic bags that remain for cat litter.

Lauren said...

Thanks for you help...I'll think about my next move. Gelson's is a supermarket.

Todd said...

Actually, I don't think fish was among them. In the pic, there are clearly 4 proteins available: chicken, sausage, dogs and I would have thought burgers but it doesn't look like burgers were there. maybe it's fish. not sure.


also, I always get paper bags and judge you for not doing same. feel the judgment coming through the tubes!