Friday, June 29, 2007


Ck, what's with the jeans w/no belt thing happening?

What the hell is Fergie doing at the concert for Diana? and when did Harry become the charismatic one?

Hmm, thought I had more ?s but I think that's all.

Fancy Grannies

For some sort of artsy event our senior year.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

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Man on bike with big blue parrot on back.

worst. movie. ever.

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Here's me pixely pic from pmount intranet

Current photo

This photo appeared in our most recent agency newsletter. I could totally still be an undergrad.

Election night, 11/3/92

As promised.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

...and a dash o' CRAZY.

More tales from the House of Sacco.

Since this feature is proving to be popular, here's a little Polaroid action...

... the denouement to this sentence is cruelly cut off.

OK Dog People...

Is this normal?
Before beginning the drive, Mitt Romney put Seamus, the family's hulking Irish setter, in a dog carrier and attached it to the station wagon's roof rack. He'd built a windshield for the carrier, to make the ride more comfortable for the dog.


As the oldest son, Tagg Romney commandeered the way-back of the wagon, keeping his eyes fixed out the rear window, where he glimpsed the first sign of trouble. ''Dad!'' he yelled. ''Gross!'' A brown liquid was dripping down the back window, payback from an Irish setter who'd been riding on the roof in the wind for hours.

As the rest of the boys joined in the howls of disgust, Romney coolly pulled off the highway and into a service station. There, he borrowed a hose, washed down Seamus and the car, then hopped back onto the highway. It was a tiny preview of a trait he would grow famous for in business: emotion-free crisis management.

Another walk down granny lane.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

random fact o the day

"The mouth of the Statue of Liberty is 3 feet wide."
Thanks, Snapple bottlecap!

A Mighty Heart

Just saw A Mighty Heart and it's really powerful. It's actually REALLY compelling even though you know how it ends. Sort of like Apollo 13 (right, ck?) But Angelina Jolie is the heart of the movie. You never really forget it's her but she really does disappear into it, especially with what sounds like a flawless French accent. Yet it's not a showy performance AT ALL. In fact there are so many times when you see her angry or crying from behind. It makes the emotional climax of the film all the more jarring and effective.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I saw the sign

Actually, I made the sign and then climbed through the weeds and muck and posted it. Don't you wish you had my glamorous job?

Monday, June 18, 2007

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Eyeball bender time. Guess what this is. Answer in the comments.

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Hungry cats. How many can you find?

my new gig

I started blogging for mydd today. My intro is here and my first post is here if interested.

Intern #2

Oy, we have this other intern who is a morning person. He's as energetic and "hey, buddy, what's up, man!?" at 9:02 as he is at 11:27 or 4:30. That's a problem. I really just want to say "umm, shut it, I'm not really up yet."

Sunday, June 17, 2007

I just saw the BEST show.

The EnergyPod

"Under extreme circumstances, a strategic napping regimen has been shown to help maintain functioning in the absence of normal nocturnal sleep."

(man watching you nap not included)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007

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FIT-ness in full effect

it's all become clear to me now

Yes this guy's running for president and yes he's a Democrat. Weeeeeird.

crazy fan lady in da house

So crazy fan lady came in today. Hadn't seen her in a while and so when we greeted we hugged but it turned into this weird thing where it seemed like she kissed my collar. Is that lipstick?

Then when she was leaving I guess she didn't want to get anymore collar action so she raised her hand for a high five, so I reciprocated and she grabbed my hand and sort of clenched it and shook it. What the hell was that?

Oh and in case you wanted to know why I call her crazy fan lady, she gave me this. That horizontal bar toward the bottom is a 12-inch ruler to give you a sense of scale.

She actually asked me where the fan was and I told her excitedly that it's at my apartment, "it's awesome."

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Happy Flag Day!

New blogging gig

So beginning in July, I'm going to be blogging at MyDD, a national progressive blog. A shitload of people read it so I'd REALLY appreciate it if you guys would get accounts and come to my defense when I get attacked! :) What am I talking about, I'm never going to get attacked. Everyone's going to agree with me. Everyone LOVES me...You are getting very sleeeeeepy...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Seriously people, Gary doesn't just beat me every game, he crushes me. I'll get you soon, letter-boy!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The angry old man's latest pet peeve

What's with the trend of newspapers allowing readers to post comments to stories on their websites? I mean, yeah, I shouldn't read them, but people are flipping scary (as well as incapable of using appropriate apostrohpe's and all other grammatical rules)! At least letters to the editor have to be vetted to some degree.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Forget bingo. Ca$h Cab is where its at

I've never seen bingo, but I'm getting more and more attached to the Cash Cab everyday. Such an awesome premise.

15th Reunion in the OC?

As a dutiful husband, I will likely find it necessary to tag along for this conference:

Who's with me for some 15 year reunion/Fischer Fest `08 (albeit slightly belated) activities?


as I ffwd thru the awards on my dvr, I'm struck by just how insider it all is, not only geographically speaking, but financially. I mean to afford to go to these shows even if you live there a nationally broadcast show that caters to a demographic that is more inherently limited?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Things that make you go hmmm...



Jm: 2 clever by half. Wrappd round my finger became 'crazy' - neither was a good version.

This mobile text message is brought to you by AT&T

John Mayer

Ok i dont get this crowd. Its pretty old yet everyone in the front section is standing. For john mayer? Ben rocked btw

This mobile text message is brought to you by AT&T

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John mayer. Music :b. Stage design: a

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Go ben!

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Broke into the hess. One observation: the fake boob contingent is out in force. And that's not always a good thing.

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On my way to hwood bowl 4 ben folds - john mayer w/my sweet picnic pak


Lauren and I sang a few tunes tonight at my friend's house including this classic. it was awesome. the selection was somewhat problematic for me -- it had none of my regulars -- but I did my best.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Knocked Up

Stacy ditched me to go to Chicago for another conference, so I went to the movies after dropping her at the airport. Knocked Up was playing at a convenient time so I saw it. Mildly amusing. Any thoughts on Waitress? We saw that Memorial Day weekend with me mum. Weird.

cant. stop.

watching. national. bingo. night.

Friday, June 8, 2007


Oy, we have this new 19 y/o intern who just doesn't stop laughing. He has this annoying nasal laugh and it's one of those things where it's like a crutch, he laughs way more than is called for.

This is going to be a long summer.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

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Random walgreens blogging

Unnecessary TV Children

This is pretty funny. MSNBC has a story about the most unneccessary TV children, which have "dragged down a show by their very existence." They cite their top 5 including Cousin Oliver from The Brady Bunch and little Olivia from The Cosby Show (who the hell is Cousin Pam?)

They then have a poll with like 20 options and outrageously people think Jack Bauer's daughter is the 6th most unnecessary tv kid. Moreso than Leo on Growing Pains? I think I gotta go Chrissy Seaver. Didn't she go from newborn to 6 years old in 2 seasons?

My grammatical pet peeve

Ugh! I'm really tired of people using inappropriate apostrophe's!

This is how our COO, who I would have hoped would know better, began her latest email:


I need your help in identifying all PILOTs and TIFs BDC has done and any related financial information i.e terms, agreements etc. Please send me any done in your area. I will compile a list and provide it to Diane to note on the Executed Documents listing.

Scrabble King!

Cup Crazy?

Are you all out today celebrating the Stanley Cup's arrival in SoCal? The Ducks do wear some nice looking costumes. . .

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I've always said...

those Chinese know how to brand an Olympics.

They also make interminable movies. But at least this advertising doesn't give you an epileptic seizure.
Animated footage promoting the logo for the 2012 London Olympic Games was removed from the organizers' Web site on Tuesday amid concern it could trigger epileptic fits."


The clip's removal follows comments by Professor Graham Harding, an expert in clinical neuro-physiology who developed a test used to measure photo-sensitivity levels in animated TV material.

"The logo should not be shown on TV at all at the moment," Harding told the BBC. "It fails Harding FPA machine test which is the machine the television industry uses to test images."

He said the footage did not comply with regulatory guidelines.

Charity Epilepsy Action noted there had been reports that people had had seizures while watching the animated footage.

The BBC reported on its Web site that a listener had rung its London radio station to say he and his girlfriend had suffered seizures while watching it.

Clown Baby

UPDATE: Apparently it's an ad for a McDonalds in India...and in my nightmares. (TWB)

Fun (and creepiness) with balloons

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Random paramount prop blogging

Race L.A.

Check it out, a sort of Amazing Race right here in L.A.! And you don't even have to make no stinkin' video!

I'm so doing this.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

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Dr seuss is moving in up the street from Paramount.

Phrase of hilarity.

"flamey and magique"

ugggh, new olympics logo

this is the logo for the 2012 london olympics. I think hideous pretty much sums it up. I mean, it's sort of vaguely asian for no apparent reason, the 2's don't match, not that they necessarily need to but why make the '12' look like an 'R?' the idea that the logo revolves around the year is weak anyway. they could have taken a lesson from the 1992 folks who came up with flamey and magique!

new olive pics

Check out these awesome pics of Olive that Jeremy took when she was down in CT this past weekend. Sooooo cute. Funny how much she looks like a Beeton. Every now and then I see Jeremy and my Dad in her, not my mom or me so much.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Sanctioned Beeton Pic

Here's a pic that's now serving as my headshot at this site California Progress Report where the publisher is cross-posting some of my stuff. It came out pretty well considering I took it myself. You should have seen the ones that didn't make the cut. Sheesh, awful.

Happy now?

Todd pic

I'm having trouble posting it. It must be a sign.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

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Todd at din with me. He picked me up at airport. We're at wood ranch. Wish you were here with us.

UPDATE by Todd: worst.picture.ever (of me) removed. replaced by great happy picture of lauren.

Laurens back in la.

Friday, June 1, 2007

the tyranny of the 'proper'

So I called an office the other day and spoke to an assistant I didn't know. She was very nice, she even asked me how I was. I said "I'm good, how are you?" There was a pause, then she said "I'm...well." The contempt with which she spoke the word was palpable. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but 'well' is an adverb. So I feel 'well,' I'm doing 'well' but I am not 'well.' Sure, 'am' is a verb, but it's not modified by an adverb. You don't say 'I'm sadly,' or 'You're beautifully,' you use adjectives to describe people for fuck's sake. It's like people who insist on saying 'between you and I' or, 'he gave it to her and I.' Come on, people, 'me' is an object, 'I' is a subject, it's not difficult. And for the love of god, you can't just substitute 'myself' for 'me.' "I hurt myself" or "I looked at myself," sure. 'Myself' is applicable if I am the subject AND the object. But you can't say "it was written by Lauren and myself." Shit.

OK, that's my rant for the day.

See you tomorrow, Lauren!

Is anyone else fascinated by this story?

In the latest wrinkle, some are predicting the "accidental" death of Lugovoi within weeks.
Review here; the latest here.

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Me in mexican wrestling mask. You shall call me 'el diabla.'

The last in a series - Mindy Doo!

Me and Melinda Doolittle! I gushed all over her it was a little embarrasing. I couldn't help it! She's so talented! She said she was nervous to have dinner with Fantasia so I told her I would come and break the ice for her.