Sunday, October 28, 2007

My Week in Entertainers

I couldn't walk down the street this past week without tripping over an actor!

Monday night was David Faustino on the streets of West Hollywood followed by Macaulay Culkin and Mila Kunis (as previously reported) at Gelson's.

Friday night dining at Sor Tino we saw Matthew Rhys from Brothers and Sisters (my friend had to point him out I don't watch the show). Once at our table for a while I looked up and said "Oh my God!" as I saw who was sitting two tables away. Harrison Ford! And across the table, Calista Flockhart! They were with two younger women (his daughters?) and looked to be having a really good time. As they left Mr. Ford scooped up Ms. Flockhart's sleeping young son in his arms...very sweet! As Calista was packing up personal belongings from the table the people at the table between us started talking to her. They had a very nice exchange. I could see three of the people at the table. When that table got up to leave the fourth person who I hadn't seen was Mike Farrell (from MASH)! As it turns out, he is the brother of my boss Preston's assistant, Kathy. So, I got up and said hello to Mike Farrell. He was very polite and introduced me to his wife. Who had purplish streaks in her silver hair.

Today, at Pavillions, I saw Will Arnett. He was browsing the English Muffins.

And...that's it.


Christopher said...

I love Will Arnett. And I forgot how much I love english muffins!

Lauren said...

I'm here to help!

Todd said...

dang. nice sightings.

Gary said...

Who is Will Arnett? All I'm thinking of is the Scud Stud of the first Gulf War, but I'm guessing that's not who this is.

Gary said...

Oh, and my grandmother's friend is Harrison Ford's go-to-guy at the Williams Sonoma in Manhattan.

Christopher said...

Will Arnett = GOB on Arrested Development and, crucially, Devon Banks on the beloved 30 Rock.