Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Power of the Pen

A friend I used to work with in Cincinnati, Eben Hobbins, sent me an email last week asking for my help in writing a letter to the editor in response to a story about a fireman who was arrested last week for drunk driving. The guy was caught after walking through a park in drag. Eben was upset because they kept publishing his picture in drag, rather than just his mugshot. I eagerly accepted the challenge and our letter was published today ("PHOTO OF MAN IN DRAG SERVES NO GOOD"):

The original news story is found here:

I don't think I miss Cincinnati all that much.


Lauren said...

Well, I can see why he was really arrested. Pink flip flops with that bikini? Please.

Christopher said...

UNBELIEVABLE. That headline! That reference to the Barbie Princess scooter... You've soured me day, Suskauer. Soured it.

Todd said...

if by "soured" you mean "on the floor laughing my ass off." Gary Susakauer, defender of cross-dressing firefighters everywhere. love how you combined your names to get "Garben."

Unknown said...

I didn't come up with the psuedonym (Eben was afraid of using his real name given the defense of cross dressing), but I am most proud of calling them on their puritanical sensibilities.

I didn't want to sour anyone's day.