Friday, April 20, 2007

New Ad

This one goes after McCain for his HILARIOUS "Bomb Iran" musical number...

UPDATE: The more I think about it the more I think the ad is actually not as effective as it could be. McCain isn't demonstrating recklessness with his little song, he's demonstrating a lack of seriousness that one expects of a commander in chief in matters of war. His war-hero status and his knowledge and credibility on matters of war were the only things that recommended him for the job. In one fell swoop he did away with that rationale. I'm starting to think the poor guy doesn't actually want the job, he's making so damn many mistakes. I get that the "reckless" angle was to align McCain with Bush but I think they could have been more effective if they'd focused on the "making light of war" thing. Just a few thoughts on a Friday night.

1 comment:

Christopher said...

It reminds me of Gonzales. Hard to watch someone self-destructing.