Thursday, January 10, 2008

Friend, foe, or totally irrelevant?


Gary said...

John Kerry is so `87.

Todd said...

I think only a plus, because it gets him positive media in SC AND it gets him Kerry's enormous list. That is huge. Kerry is no kingmaker though and coming after voting has begun, for me, it has less impact than if he'd gone to bat for Barack before Iowa. But, a big get for Barack and on a practical level, he's beginning to eat into Hillary's superdelegate lead.

Todd said...

Actually, ck, I should be asking you, as a Obamaniac, does it help or hurt perception-wise? I mean, the idea that Obama is anti-establishment for me is a joke but some think of him as such and so I guess would cringe at his getting the support of Kerry. I don't know, I may not be the best judge.