Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Idol Finale Liveblog

Round 1:

David Cook's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For vs. David Archuletta's Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me. Solid choices both. Might go to Archuletta by a hair. I don't think I was as enthusiastic as the judges about David A's performance, but he definitely brought it. Good to see both of them rising to the occasion.

Round 2:

David Cook singing lame new song "Dream Big." I agree with Simon that he did the best he could with what he had. Archie singing the slightly less lame song "In This Moment." This round is David A's by a mile. Just a rough choice by Cook, although I guess he wanted to rock one round. It's just it was too insubstantial a song.

Round 3:

David Cook freakin rocked Collective Soul out. That was a ridiculously great version of that song. Better than the original. But it's going up against David A's Imagine, which was a highlight from early in the season, and, as Randy said, he's definitely in the zone.

Archuletta has it. No contest. But good on ya David C.

UPDATE: Seems I have a knack for picking the runner-up.


Gary said...

I actually liked "Archie's" Elton John song (even if he still disregarded Mr. Lloyd Webber and was closing his eyes at times).

Both of the 2nd round songs were awful lyrically (and the lame round-by-round commentaries were equally painful). I just don't see why one was better than the other.

As for the third round, yes, Archie's Imagine was good, but, been there, done that. Show me something new.

I think the kid's going to win, but I still stick with my feeling that he's just not that exciting. Yes, he can sing well, but he's starting to remind me of James Taylor. Nice voice, but all of the songs sound the same and are performed the exact same way.

Todd said...

wow. go, dc!