Thursday, May 8, 2008

I get e-mails

This makes me sad.
I've been a Dem my whole life and I am disgusted with the Democratic Party. To tick off women who make up the base of the party is crazy. I know many women who will not vote in November.

I hope the Obama nuts are happy. We will be looking at a President McCain come November.
There really is this sense among some women that she was owed this nomination. Sigh. It was hers if she wanted it. She has no one to blame but herself for the errors that have led to today.

1 comment:

Gary said...

Annoying, fo' sho', but I would seriously wonder how many true Clinton "nuts" would really sit out the vote. Punishing the Dems for partaking in the democratic process? I would suggest that we're all better off if the writer stays home in November.