Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Defeating 8

Defeating Proposition 8 is the number one priority for progressives in California this year. We know Barack is going to win the state but a lot of Barack voters are going to vote FOR 8, not understanding that he has been a vocal critic of it. So what can we do to help defeat it?

Well, first of all, let everyone know you oppose it. You can do this by talking to everyone you know personally, of course, but also by using the social networking sites to send the message that you are going to vote No on 8.

1. change your Facebook and Twitter profile pics to the No on 8 button.
2. change your Facebook status and tweet the fact that you changed your profile pic
3. follow @noonprop8 on Twitter and tell all your twitter friends to do the same

It's not much but it can actually have a real impact.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

You forgot to mention how shameful it is to have children and schools involved.