Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We launched our campaign today

So this is what I've been working my ass off on for 2 months. Well, this ad and this website.

The LA Times blog picked us up and actually got the best reaction ever from the congressman's spokeswoman:
In an interview Dreier spokeswoman Jo Maney called the ad an “amateurish smear job.”
Aww shucks!


Lauren said...

Nice! It looks professional to me. The site is particularly eye-catching.

Gary said...

Cool site, but he voted with Bush "approximately 93.6%" of the time? Um, how much more exact can you get? Is it really 93.599999999%?

Todd said...

thanks! and yeah yeah, gary, I know. the tricky part is that the 93.6% of the time thing comes from averaging 7 years' worth of votes, not technically a proper way to gauge something. so we threw in approximately. and got called out by gary! :)