Tuesday, April 29, 2008

David Archuleta? Seriously?

Anyone care to explain to me what the appeal of David Archuleta is? I understand that I'm not a teenage girl, but he sounds exactly the same every time.


Lauren said...

I like him, but you're right he's sounding the same. So's Jason. Which is sad because I like him too.

Todd said...

well, he was actually pretty amazing in the beginning. but he hasn't done anything interesting recently, he's just sort relied on his voice, which, I do think at its best, is great. he's actually sort of a prodigy. but david cook has outshone him in the going out on a limb/taking risks department. he's got to do something different. I think Archuletta will definitely be in the finals, it's just he can't beat Cook if he doesn't step it up.

Kidsmom said...

You are right on with the whole Archie thing.... He is unimpressive, no charisma, no stage presence, and his voice does sound the same each time he sings. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Cook!
