Thursday, August 9, 2007

Multimedia message

Look what i got in to.


Christopher said...

WHAT?! Screw that. You're not even gay!

...or are you?

Todd said...

I gots skillz. and if it makes you feel better, I'm in the lame ass press room. no time with the candidates to speak of.

Christopher said...

too bad you're not Doogie Howser. I see him representin, along with that dude from Entourage.

Todd said...

yeah I saw doogie in the audience. what dude from entourage? what did you think? why did Hillary bounce around whether it's immoral? and richardson's a freakin nightmare. This is about the 3rd or so time when he's made a gaffe that disqualifies him from ready for prime time yet people still seem to think he'd make a good candidate, pres or vp. it's such a joke.